Listen to Calling Out HERE, or CLICK HERE to get the Calling Out App for iPhone! Psychic Forensic Investigator Jennifer Shaffer, Medium A.J. Barrera and Clairvoyant Rebecca Fearing conduct a psychic investigation designed to probe the sudden unexplained…
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- psychics
- Sideshow Network
- susan pinsky
Calling Out: Serial Podcast w/ Lynette Carolla & Attorney Mark Geragos
- January 8, 2015
- Tagged as: adnan sayed, calise simone, Calling Out with Susan Pinsky, Christina Colby, christina gutierres, Clairvoyance, Clairvoyants, conspiracy, hae min lee, jay wilds, Jennifer Shaffer, Lisa Williams, Lynette Carolla, mark geragos, Mediums, PSYCHIC REBEL, serial, serial podcast, SUSAN PINSKY Podcast
Calling Out With Susan Pinsky on Itunes Clairvoyants Christina Colby, Jennifer M Shaffer, and Calise Simone take an intuitive look into the popular Serial podcast from the creators of This American Life, and is hosted by Sarah Koenig….
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] In the Sideshow Network Studio we have Psychic Medium, A.J. Barrera seeing into Calling Out Facebook friend and her dilemma in another part of the world which is…
Gina Grad is back!!! CALLING OUT took a different path this week. Five intuitives turn attention to war, terror and oil issues in this world with a psychic circle of friends. Appalled by Malaysian flight 17…
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] CALLING OUT is back on with in studio mediums Jennifer Shaffer and Rebecca Fearing , and special co-host Lynette Carolla from “For Cryin’ Out Loud“, and the “10th…
CALLING OUT on ITunes We are coming back with a new show this week! Subscribe today and don’t miss it when we release it on the Sideshow Network. We have great guests and mediums coming your…
Well here it is, May 31, 2014, and still no clear evidence has been found regarding the lost 777-200 carrying 227 passengers, two infants, and 12 crew under Captain Zaharie Shah that vanished in March, 2014….
CLICK THROUGH ON PHOTO TO ITUNES We are back on Calling Out today with Shanna and Dr. Wendy and new special Clairvoyant, Colby the Psychic Rebel. Shanna Moekler a new participant on this new season of CELEBRITY…