Listen to Calling Out HERE, or CLICK HERE to get the Calling Out App for iPhone!
Psychic Forensic Investigator Jennifer Shaffer, Medium A.J. Barrera and Clairvoyant Rebecca Fearing conduct a psychic investigation designed to probe the sudden unexplained deaths, murders and so-called suicides of twelve medical doctors during the summer of 2015. Is this rash of deaths a federal conspiracy, a series of carefully orchestrated hits, or something even worse? Produced by Jenifer Barerra. Music Extro courtesy of Ross Bridgeman, featuring “Insomniac” by John Flanagan. Available on Itunes. Please go to the Cast of Clairvoyants to get a list of my approves intuitives.
CO 141- Ginger Gonzaga is Calling Out With Rebecca Fearing.
February 5, 2020