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Actress Eliza Coupe and Co-host Segun Oduolowu on Calling Out

 Click on photo to listen to the new Calling Out!


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Proud to have talented powerhouse Eliza Coupe on CALLING OUT.  Eliza will star in a NEW comedy called “BENCHED” coming out this January on the USA Network. Also known as the hot Dr. Denise Mahoney of SCRUBS, and as Jane Kerkovich-Williams on HAPPY ENDINGS. She recently played talented Marissa McClintock on HOUSE OF LIES.   Psychics Rebecca Fearing and Jennifer Shaffer tell her what else is coming in her life! She is a frequent flyer! Not at all skeptical. RainCatcher is the charity she is very involved with that brings clean water to children and communities in Africa by catching rain water and filtering it with scientifically engineered, high powered/high-tech filters.

Calling out is available by going to www.Soundcloud/SusanPinsky and also on the new and exciting Sideshow Network website. Subscribe on iTunes and listen to all the past, present and future podcasts!

Special call in psychic astrologer, Kim Allen reads Segun Oduolowu and our SideShowNetwork genius producer Shawn! 


From “Wired In with Segun” on iTunes. A new new and noteworthy show on Podcast One. Segun shares his personal reaction on the Elliot Roger case that was recently a topic he addressed on HLN’s “Dr. Drew on Call”.

“If you have not been following our ongoing discussion here at Dr. Drew on Call, allow me to get you up to speed.  Elliot Roger, a 22 year old college student, fatally stabbed 3 men in his home, proceeded to shoot two women outside of a sorority house, and then shot a man at a deli in Isla Vista California, before turning the gun on himself and ending his own life.  By the end of his rampage, 6 innocent people were dead, and a community was left searching for answers.” -Segun


Jennifer Shaffer was a forensic psychic investigator on the Eliott Roger case, and validates Segun’s thoughts about the issues of gun control and taking them out if the hands of psychiatrically deranged individuals. Coincidentally, Jennifer had a spooky realization after listening to the news just two days after our taping. She found out that a boy she grew up with, a Mr. Lee Haskell, was responsible for a brutal slaying in Texas. She was terrorized by the news, and was asked to join DR DREW ON CALL . The story is about a woman who leaves her abusive husband and goes into hiding. He proceeds to kill her sister’s family execution style and also tries to take her parents as well. It further proves guns are not safe in the wrong hands.

DR. DREW ON CALL Interview with Jennifer Shaffer


Our Clairvoyant du-jour: is the talented psychic medium Rebecca Fearing. She is found @thePurpleRose on twitter and host of “Dancing with Ghosts” on La Radio and iTunes.

Her website is here at 


kimcb22514-1   Medium Kim Allen is a new addition to the CALLING OUT Crew. A Manhattan based psychic medium with astrological expertise. Positive energy, knows her stuff. Kim delivers Segun and producer Shawn convincing information. Segun’s interests were peaked, even though he is a bit of a skeptic. Find her on twitter at @kimallenastro  or

As always, we enjoyed having Segun on the podcast again,  @Seguntheprogram on twitter, “Wired In with Segun” on Podcast One.  PLEASE check him out on iTunes and subscribe today!  He appears regularly on NBC’s Access Hollywood Live, and HLN’s Dr. Drew on Call.

Segun also wanted to share that he is in partnership with the Aim High Foundation of Southern California, and it’s creator NBA Champion Kenny Smith.  He has coached over a dozen “Young-Stars” to Division I basketball scholarships. He has a heart of gold for kids who need help.

Don’t miss the show – or your chance to call in!