Loved having my new girl crush, musician/ comedian Ali Spagnola who came in skeptical and left a believer! We predicted her future with the Psychc Rebel Colby and Calise Simone here on Itunes or visit She is super fun and is not really a smurf!
Ali is quite an inspiration and is very accomplised as an artist.
- Ali was born in a town outside of Pittsburgh, PA and raised by two spectacular parents.
- At age three, Ali began studying dance taking tap, jazz and ballet classes.
- At age five she started playing the piano. Shortly after that she became a percussionist in her school band and then picked up the guitar and started taking voice lessons.
- When she wasn’t being a music nerd she was being a computer nerd, making websites and designing graphics.
- Dancing became a big part of her life in middle school when she joined a dance company in which she competed all through high school.
- Near the end of her high school career, Ali took classes in musical theater at Carnegie Mellon University. That experience influenced her decision to apply to the school.
- Ali went to Carnegie Mellon University to study Art. Her concentration was in sculpture and she also had a focus in Music Theory.
Ali’s Discography
Ali has released four albums of music. Here’s the list of the first three followed by notable places her jams have been featured:
The Ego is an (objectively) catchy collection of pop/electro tracks. It’s dance music for smart people.
- Many of Ali’s songs have been featured on MTV’s Real World and Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club. (Here are a couple of examples.)
- “What’s Your Name” is included as a free song with the initial download of Google Music Beta.
- “I Want More” and “What’s Your Name” were played in PNC Park during Pittsburgh Pirates home games.
The Power Hour Drinking Game
When Ali was in college she started playing Drinking Game Concerts that she created by taking the idea of a “Power Hour” – drinking 60 shots of beer in an hour – and mixing it with a live show. She wrote 60 one-minute drinking songs and performs them live while people drink along with every song. Then, a man named Steve Roose claimed he owned the concept of a “Power Hour”, trademarked the term and tried to stop Ali from performing her Drinking Game Concerts and distributing her music. Steve also bullied other Power Hour creators getting videos taken off of YouTube, websites removed, software taken down and Ali’s music removed from Amazon and Rhapsody. Ali didn’t want to sit back and let Steve stop her from distributing her art. She started a company called Binge Responsibly, LLC and took Steve to court to free the game for everyone.
Anyone this nerdy and full of herself is obsessed with her web presence
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Extro song Courtesy of this talented girl. “Whats Your Name “