Making a Murderer

After peering psychically into the Netflix web television series, Making a Murderer, medium Rebecca Fearing calls out the name Eddie in the first few minutes, and we all unfortunately were so nervous, we missed the call. Could that have been Edward Wayne Edwards?

Listen to Calling Out HERE, or CLICK HERE to get the Calling Out App for iPhone!

Rebecca had not ever seen the Netflix series or done any prior research, and has some clear forensic details about the psychopathic killer. She takes us on a graphic journey into the gruesome murder and tells us about a murderer’s pre meditated manipulation of a young girl and the real possible and intentional framing of Steven Avery. Also this week, Calling Out was fortunate enough to be joined by Psychic Rebel Colby, clairvoyant Calise Simone, and the medium Cindy Kaza for a discussion of what may have actually taken place on on October 31, 2005 in this small town of Wisconsin. Do we have some interesting clues?

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Legal views by Teny Geragos.

This intuitive hunt is for the real killer of 25 year old Teresa Halbach. With all due respect, our condolences go out the her family.


Music Outro: “Butterfly” courtesy of Audrey Karrasch of ALKE.

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(Rebecca Fearing)







(Susan Pinsky)

The is a Playroom Podz Production

Produced by Susan Sailer Pinsky

Sound effects by my dog, @RexHoneyBadger

Don’t miss the show – or your chance to call in!