Duncan Trussell

This week’s guest, Comedian Duncan Trussell from the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast and Drunk History is skeptical about this process until the Psychic Rebel and Rebecca Fearing tap into his mind.  We have a great time making his past, present and future come alive. We also understand Duncan’s feelings about marriage and that he looks forward to children.

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Calling Out would like to congratulate Joseph and Elisabeth whom were married on May 31, 2015, the day after this podcast was taped.  We could not place the names during the show, but it all made sense the next day when I was sitting in a majestic and holy Greek Orthodox church during the ceremony. Susan, Elisabeth and Joseph were all mentioned during our pod and I didn’t  pick up the cues as someone was shouting my name. Zoned out with Jet Lag, I suppose. Duncan was not sure who they were, and I had a feeling it was for me. We want to wish them all the best in their life together, and let them know their ancestors were there for them as well to give a shout out. Spirits love a great party, and I have to say this was the biggest event I have ever attended. We want to thank Daddy Tony for the hand selected single barrel bottle of Jack Daniels we were handed on the way out. Drew has a hangover today! Doesn’t happen often. God Bless.


Joseph and Elisabeth

Photo by Dr. Drew Pinsky

Also, after the podcast, I had the pleasure of having dinner with Rebecca Fearing. She had actually never heard the Serial Podcast, and looked into it while we dined because people were asking her about it. She told me the entire story verbatim and saw Hae Min Lee and Christina Gutierrez standing behind me after she started her story. I can’t tell you how weird that is, and I think the two of them want to show the real killer. According to Rebecca she believes he was an older person. Not at the hands of Adnan.

She asked if Hae was a pretty Chinese girl, and asked who Chris was. She also said someone with a J name is suspicious. I think Rebecca bowed out of the Calling Out show in the beginning because she was super busy. Now that the case is open again, and the podcast is coming back, I would be interested to hear what they find. Rebecca also mentioned Hae was strangled in an apartment and was on a tile floor when she passed, and then transferred. I believe we had another psychic say the same thing. And there was something about drugs and sex that Hae was not happy about. She knew something and may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. She mentioned Christina feels bad and wants to solve this once and for all and wants our help, and since Drew was sitting next to me, she said she wanted Drew’s help too. Good luck with that!  I can’t imagine how Ms. Fearing got every detail without ever hearing the podcast. Crazy.

A firetruck just went by just now as I write this, and ironically that happened during both Serial Pods we recorded about this subject. Hi Christina! We wish the Adnan all the luck in the world. And may Hae and Christina finally rest in peace if he goes free.

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