Dr. Drew on Call’s Segun Oduolowo and Actress, Jill Latiano-Howardson form LEGIT meets Psychic Rebel

The Calling Out, with Susan Pinsky Podcast Link is Here on ITunes today! 

Según and Colby

Segun Oduolowo  finds  Psychic Rebel Colby so legitimate as she reads him in  “Psychic Mode” at first. Segun arrived ready to be a skeptic, however, she touched on his life and seems too legit to rough up. WE FIND OUT HE HAS SOME KICKIN SNEAKS. Learns he is on the road to success. Segun is a regular on “Dr. Drew On Call”  every Tuesday and Thursday on HLN at 9 PM. Also can find him on Access Hollywood’s Plugged In!!

Jill Latiano Howerton from LEGIT on FXX 

Here with hub Glenn Howerton from ALWAYS SUNNY and Dr. Drew.


 Jill is changing course in her life and validates that her architectural skills may be a money making endeavor for her future. Her grandmother visits, and sounds so sweet. Previous celeb friend comes by but wants to stay anonymous due to a connection to many of our previous CALLING OUT guests. She is glad he said hello from a distance.

 Jill is known as the beautiful love interest of Jim Jefferies’ on LEGIT, on FXX. Jill recently produced a documentary she calls GMO OMG. The director and concerned father Jeremy Seifert is in search of answers about genetically modified foods. How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? She wants us to gain insight into a question that is of growing concern to citizens the world over: what’s on your plate?


GMO OMG is available on DVD in the summer of 2014. Pre-order available soon and be sure to click through on our CALLING OUT AMAZON link to purchase and support the show. The website is gmofilm.com to see the trailer and get updates.

Great News!

We are now taking  “Calling Out Callers” so be sure to let us know if you have a need to call in. Just let us know here or on our Facebook Page. 

Check out the PAYPAL link for our show so we can continue our broadband podcasts for eternity! We will take your calls first if you donate! 

Callers this week!


I would love a reading! My brother died unexpectedly in 2007 & 2 months later my Dad committed suicide. Last May, my Mom was run over in her front yard by a woman on drugs & alcohol. I miss them all so much & I really want to know my Mom is still with me. This year has drained me, and I just want her back.


Check out this website for Christi’s message to me here on callingoutwithsusanpinsky.com where she asks for guidance. Colby was not aware of my blog and sees blood.  We try to give her sage advice.




Don’t miss the show – or your chance to call in!