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Divine Football Orb Intervention with Dr Drew

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Photos Courtesy of Susan Pinsky

Intuitive Jerry Hoskey and medium AJ Barrera investigate the incredible story of a young varsity football player #41 named Jackson Allen who defied the odds of a fatal head injury that occurred Halloween of 2009. Tune in to this one on one conversation between Jackson and Dr. Drew 7 years later, and how Dr. Drew somehow miraculously saved his life and now looking at through photographic moments just beforehand may have shown warning signs from higher power, perhaps proving he was not alone during this tragic event.

greenorb (1 of 1) orbscrop1 (1 of 1)-2

orbscrop1 (1 of 1)

Drag onto your desktop to expand.

Close Ups requested by a twitter follower @Clownoff : She posted @Firstladyoflove Can u isolate the picture of the orb with the face in it and post it? @AJBArrera nice coming up with the name David and the NDE.  Thanks to Joe Doe for your suggestion.


Another photo my daughter took of Jackson a year after his injury.




Orb on top right corner

Music extro “We Run This” courtesy of DNK._DB_1665fixed


Here on ITunes! 


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