Support Calling Out! Check Out This Amazing Skin Care Line.
In July, I became a rep for this product via Lynette Carolla after our CALLING OUT: Crimes Show, and have been using it ever since she convinced me to become a rep. After all the products I have tried over the years, this has topped all of the creams and cleansers I have been sold, by cosmetologists and doctors. I have returned to the website and bought more daily cleansing mask for myself and we have bought acne kits for my kids. Just love it!
Holiday Gifts!
Become a preferred customer to get the perks and wholesale prices, or you can become a rep if you want to make some dough. Dr. Jena makes 5k a month, and has a new Lexus on the way! When I became a rep and had to buy all the products, I tried everything. I love this REDEFINE AMP package because it re-surfaced my skin completely. It seriously cleared my rosacea, removed oily areas, did not break me out at all.
Lynette Carolla says if anyone is interested, you can e-mail her directly at [email protected] to get more personal directions and advise about your personal needs and what to buy.
Ground Breaking News!
Plus, REDEFINE is coming out with and ACUTE CARE item for lines. It’s only available to preferred customers this month as supplies last. Pay $19.95 with your first order of any package, and you can order item too before the general public can in January. And you also get wholesale prices. R and F is not found in any department stores. Please buy it from me at
It’s better than Botox or fillers. Lynnette will be talking about it on FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD (click here) on Sept 26, 2014, so please listen to her podcast as she and Dr. Bruce discuss the ingredients and why it all works so well.
I can also help you if you want my personal help. Go to my website for the R and F Products and check them out, then DM me on Facebook if you want help SUSAN SAILER PINSKY is my Facebook page.
Be on the Calling Out Podcast
When you become a preferred customer and make your purchase, please DM me here on Facebook the code I LOVE R AND D and we will get you a psychic reading on my podcast! No fooling! I want to know how you like the products!
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Bless you.