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Calling Out: Comedian Paul Mecurio w/ Co-host Shanna Moakler!

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Psychic Rebel Colby flies solo this episode and has a heart to heart with Paul Mecurio from The Paul Mecurio Podcast! His anxieties about life are pretty common, and he gets some tips from the girls on how to deal with Hollywood lifestyle, and his career choices. Shanna Moakler, From Hollywood Exes, gets some great news form Colby too!

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We all admit taking risk and being fearless is important to succeed, and showing the universe how grateful you are, will help with the journey. DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE TODAY ON ITUNES! CLICK HERE! SUBSCRIBE! Also GoDaddy has a new campaign that they wanted to share with everyone. It is now $1.49 for a new or transfer .com. Just put in the code OUT149 and give us some love! We need support of our show and GoDaddy will give us credit if you get your domaine with our special OUT149 Code upon check out. Thank-you for supporting our podcast.

Don’t miss the show – or your chance to call in!