Psychic-Rebel Colby co-hosts a “Psychic Soirée” with Calise Simone, Cindy Kaza and Joshua-John Delorenzo. Susan promotes her upcoming appearance with husband Dr. Drew on the season finale of E’s ‘Hollywood Medium” on August 27, 2017….
Psychic-Rebel Colby co-hosts a “Psychic Soirée” with Calise Simone, Cindy Kaza and Joshua-John Delorenzo. Susan promotes her upcoming appearance with husband Dr. Drew on the season finale of E’s ‘Hollywood Medium” on August 27, 2017….
Calling Out explores spiritual phenomenon with the world’s top psychics, mediums, astrologers, and clairvoyants, in a live show hosted by Susan Pinsky and a recurring cast of celebrity guests. Viewers and listeners are invited to call in for answers about loved ones, paranormal activity, and to receive advice from our guides on love, loss, and living your best life.
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