Lisa Williams and Rebecca Fearing are in the House! Plus, Annette is “Being Susan Pinsky.”

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Our new and improved “Calling Out”  was co-hosted by Dr. Annette Ermshar, a San Marino California based psychologist whom is excited to have won the “Being Susan Pinsky” package at the “Celebration of Art” Gala for Hillsides. Her donation is going to a worthy cause.

This was written after the event when Dr. Annette had an amazing time on the Red Carpet at the MTV Movie Awards and was mistaken for Susan’s own beautiful daughter on April 14. Dr. Annette sat with Dr. Drew at the Movie Award Show in the front row and could almost touch Eminem.

Dr. Annette wore a custom dress by Goldsmith and Klein,  Sylva et Cie jewels, hair and makeup by Julie and Lauren of Bravo Salon, lashes by Eye Dazzle , and publicity by Valerie Allen PR for the entire day. She will also partied all night at the after party with Susan and had a limo to take her home! This will be transformation beyond belief.

Calling Out Clairvoyants

Every so often, we like to surprise resident medium Rebecca Fearing with a pop reading of a psychic colleague. Lisa Williams sits down and finds it very informative! Francis, her clairvoyant grandmother was a medium to Princess Diana! Diana was in the house! Also she predicts a male figure as a love interest in her life which makes everyone laugh since Lisa is gay. But does Rebecca know the real truth?

Regine Verougstraete is a newbie to our show, and is a fabulous artist and calls herself an Art Healer. Her visions come through the use of someone’s name as she meditates in her art studio. She meditates on the name,  then sees the important life message and delivers her connective story to Lisa. Lisa was absolutely amazed with the little girl who guided her through the development of her exuberant art work. She created several pieces of art for Lisa and presented them one piece at a time. Click on her name above to see the artwork done for Lisa. Rebecca had to rush away and was missed in this photo. As usual, she was  extremely acturate and next week is her birthday! Give her a shout out!

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This is another amazing example of what our mediums are all about.


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